Thursday, October 29, 2015


I have ambitions. When I became a librarian I didn't think I had any ambitions. I thought they had died when I decided not to become a music journalist or publicist ( I hate answering the telephone- so it never would have worked), or do something else important in the music industry. I became a librarian, and thought, I'll do that for a while a decide what I really want to do.

Being a librarian has opened a whole world to me. Strange but true. I am actually writing- reviews for School Library Journal, but it's a start. My sister, Mary Jo, said she googled me and found my reviews on Amazon France! Not too shabby- I have an international presence.

And I am storytelling. That's telling stories without the aid of a book to read from. Now, I admit I started this reluctantly. I begin most everything reluctantly. I was terrified of getting up there, and forgetting my story. But something happened when I got up there, not only did I remember my stories, I loved doing it. I love the look on a jaded 12 year olds face when you really scare the pants off him! I love the ability to get kids to pull along with you as you pull that stuck turnip out of the ground. I love telling a story and seeing the expression of the children's faces as they process the words. It's immediate and intimate and timeless. Humans have been doing this forever, and I hate to see it get lost in our plugged in 21st century world. So I tell stories and watch their faces. It changes everyone in the room.

These are things I never planned. This week is the Riverway Storytelling Festival here in the Capital Region, and I would have loved to participate, but the one event I would have been eligable to participate in falls this weekend. I have a wedding to attend in DC. boo.

All is not lost though, I have been asked to storytell at a school literacy festival at the end of the month, and I am looking forward to that. I'll let you know how it goes. Now I just have to get my act together and join the capital region story circle.....

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